Stimmenfragmente im Archivhof – Art Parcours 2019

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Ab Samstag, 8. Juni 2019, bis und mit Montag, 17. Juni 2019 findet ein Teil des Art Basel Parcours im Innenhof des Staatsarchivs (Kreuzgang) an der Martinsgasse statt.Der jordanische Künstler Lawrence Abu Hamdan präsentiert dort seine Installation «The recovered manifesto of Wissam [inaudible]».

Was ist zu sehen? 10 Plastik-Bäumchen mit Früchten und Mini-Tapes.

Was ist zu hören? Die (zuweilen kaum mehr verständliche) Stimme eines Mannes, der aus einem Manuskript vorliest. Die Zuhörenden erfahren, dass er von einem spirituellen islamischen Rechtskonzept erzählt, dem «Recht auf Lügen».

Rekonstruktion von Stimme und Idee

Lawrence Abu Hamdan beschäftigt sich in seinem Werk, wie er es nennt, mit den «politics of listening». Zu seinem Werk am Art Parcours 2019 schreibt er: «In the Chouf Mountains of Lebanon, old cassette tape is wrapped around fruit trees as a vernacular technique to ward off birds and insects. This makes a whole orchard of clementines become incandescent with dozens of pieces of tape containing hundreds of songs and sermons. One day, one tree, deep in an orchard, stood out to me. The tape that was protecting this tree’s clementines was much thinner—it was minicassette tape, the kind used in small Dictaphone recorders or answering machines. Anticipating a more personal content to this recording, I collected all the mini-cassette tape from the tree and harvested the voice that was magnetized to its surface. The voice had weathered badly in its tireless defense of the clementines, yet there were small fragments that remained recoverable. The process of recovery was demanding, some phonemes had to be listened to for hours in order to properly differentiate the muffled words from one another. After listening over and over again to the opening lines, I eventually heard the voice identify itself as Wissam [inaudible], and understood from Wissam that I was listening to an audio recorded manuscript for a book or a manifesto on the elusive concept of Taqiyya. Taqiyya is an esoteric Islamic juridical concept that is widely understood as the right to lie. The recovery of the voice is a laborious and protracted task, and the ninety minutes of running time presented [originally] in the garden of the Mechelen law courts are the totality of the audible fragments that I could salvage thus far.»


Montag, 10.06.2019 von 13:00 – 21:00 Uhr

Dienstag, 11.06.2019 bis Freitag, 14.06.2019 von 10:00 – 20:00 Uhr

Samstag, 15.06.2019 von 10:00 – 22:00 Uhr

Sonntag, 16.06.2019 von 10:00 – 19:00 Uhr